The Termites Within

The Termites Within

“The Termites Within”

Dr. Scott Leafe

June 2, 2024

I. Introduction

A. Mentioning the Dark Cloud of Tragedies

B. Thomas Paine Quote

C. Concerns About Current Times

II. Light-hearted Start

A. Hope for Understanding the Spirit’s Message

B. Prayer

III. Reflection on Current Events

A. Recap of Challenges Faced in the Past Year

B. Highlighting Global Issues

C. Internal Divisions and Fractures

D. Mention of Apocalyptic Sentiments

Slide = Heb 1:1-2

E. Focus on Apostasy Within the Church

Slide = Vance Havner quote – wait until I say his name, though.

IV. Explanation of Apostasy

A. Definition of Apostasy

B. Apostasy as Both Doctrinal and Moral Issue

C. Signs of Last Days and Apostasy

D. Biblical Warnings and Prophecies

Slide = 1 Tim 4:1-2

V. Highlighting the Threat of Apostasy

A. Internal Threats Within the Church

Slide = 2 Tim 3:1-5

B. Comparing External and Internal Dangers

Slide = 2 Tim 3:13

C. Importance of Staying True to Scripture

Slide = Jude 1:3

Slide = 2 Tim 3:10, 13

Slide = 2 Tim 4:3-4

VI. Apostasy in Seminaries and Churches

A. Impact of Apostasy in Educational Institutions

Slide = Does the Teaching We Receive Here Change Us?

B. Role of Seminaries in Shaping Beliefs

Slide = John Philips quote – wait until I say his name, though.

C. Examples of Apostasy in Churches2

VII. Warning Signs and Trends

A. Rise of Deceptive Voices

B. Trend of Compromising Truth

C. Inclusive Language and Gender Neutrality

Slide = Jude 1:4

Slide = Show branding iron/dead cow slide when the interlocutor asks, “Well,

where are all your cattle then?”

VIII. Call to Action

A. Necessity of Sharing the Gospel

B. Emphasis on Teaching Sound Doctrine

C. Importance of Passing the Faith Forward

Slide = 2 Tim 2:1-2

IX. Conclusion and Challenge

A. Need for a Modern Reformation

B. Unchanged Mission of the Church

Slide = Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

C. Final Call to Faithfulness and Obedience

Slide = Matt 28:19-20

D. Closing Prayer

One Comment

  1. Louise A McCourtney

    I hope to never encounter another church swimming in apostacy. As I have searched the Woodlands since moving from Oregon I have landed at TWBC. I have asked questions about what you believe, inquiring concerning sound doctrine. True, no church is perfect but that statement “well you know no church is perfect” is an easy out. We must be teaching the perfect Word of God. Not settling for Bible Study programs developed by false teachers. Humanism coming in through Yoga classes in the name of just stretching. Psychology in place of counseling by the Holy Spirit’s divine counsel. Women teaching over men..
    Scott Leaf’s message hit the target!
    So glad he took the bull of apostasy by the horns! A church following and not compromising with this falling world. The work and dedication to keep her from cracks, and termites has just begun. Sincerely, In prayer a hopeful followers of Jesus and lover of His church.
    Watchmen on the wall take your place and stay alert.

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